Open Glue Trigger Management

Step type: Simple user interface.

Step description: This step allows you to maintain the generated triggers: activate, deactivate, show records collected by a trigger, etc. The generated triggers are listed in an ALV grid.

Detailed functions: The ALV grid has the following structure:

NOTE The detailed functions are described below:
  • Status: Status of the trigger. The following options are possible:

    • Inactive (stop sign icon): The trigger is dropped.

    • Active (green square icon): The trigger is active on the database and is collecting data.

    • Disabled (yellow triangle icon): The trigger has been created but is not collecting data.

    • Inconsistent (lightning bolt icon): The trigger is in an inconsistent state and needs to be checked.

  • Table name: Table name on which the trigger is built.

  • Database trigger name: Name of the database trigger.

  • Table description: Description of the table.

  • Object name: Internal label for trigger management. This is neither used nor maintained by DTS.

  • Shadow table count: Row count of the shadow tables. You can update this column by clicking Count rows in the ALV toolbar.

  • Created on: Date when the trigger was created.

  • Created by: User who created the trigger.

  • Changed on: Date of the last change.

  • Changed by: User who made the last change.

When you double-click a row, the database trigger details are shown. This screen contains the following options:

  • Trigger name: Name of the trigger.

  • Trigger type: Database vendor acronym.

  • Database connection: Name of the database connection.

  • Database schema: Name of the database schema.

  • Table: Table name.

  • Sequence: Glue trigger counter.

  • Shadow table: Name of the shadow table. This is the table where the delta records are stored.

    • Browse: Shows the content of the shadow table.

  • Shadow table entries: Shows the last counted entries of the trigger shadow table size in terms of the number of rows.

    • Count rows: Updates the Shadow table entries field with the actual value. The value shown is a value stored after the last calculation. Note that the active triggers might have collected new records since the last count of rows.

  • Created: Trigger creation date, time and user.

  • Last change: Trigger last change date, time and user.

  • Activate/deactivate: Enables or disables individual trigger events from the list below. Select the event in the table below and click Activate or Deactivate to perform the required action.

  • List of the registered trigger events in an ALV grid:

    • Status: Description of the main trigger ALV column.

    • Trigger object name: Name of the trigger event.

    • Operation: Type of registered trigger operation.

    • DB trigger status: Short text that describes the status icon.

The toolbar provides the following functions:

  • Activate (F8): Activates the selected triggers.

  • Check (Ctrl+F1): Checks the consistency of the selected triggers.

  • Deactivate (Shift+F1): Deactivates the selected triggers.

  • Show object (Shift+F5): Shows the SNP Glue trigger object details.

The ALV grid toolbar provides the following functions:

  • Select all: Selects all the records in the ALV grid.

  • Deselect all: Deselects all the records in the ALV grid.

  • Count rows: Updates the number of records collected in the shadow tables (see the column Shadow table count).

  • The other functions are standard ALV grid functions.